1. What function does Deep Funding serve?
Deep funding rewards open source contributors without them even having to apply for funding, based solely on the usefulness of their contributions.

2. How can I use Deep Funding?

As a project with revenue, you can use it to sustain the open source contributions you depend upon

As a hacker, you can submit a model for giving weights to the relative importance between contributions

As an open source maintainer, you can be part of the jury spot checking dependencies for selection of the model determining weights

As a well wisher, you can help build out the mechanisms infrastructure or provide funding for the upcoming contest.

3. Contest? What contest?

You heard that right. As the originator of this mechanism, Vitalik Buterin is putting in $250k for supporting 40,000 identified Ethereum core dependencies using deep funding.

We are putting out a call for models that assign weights to each of these dependencies. The winning model gets to;

Allocate $170k according to the weights it gives

Win $40k for getting selected

An additional $40k for open source models that are interesting even if they are not selected.

4. Where can I find the data for the dependencies that I need to give weights to?

You can see the Github repo here: https://github.com/opensource-observer/insights/blob/main/community/deep_funder/readme.md

And the visualization here: View dashboard

Your task? To assign weights to the lines running between the repos

5. Will I be getting any data from the jurors doing spot checks with which I can train my model?

Yes! We expect to have the model data for you by January 20th. Until then, we suggest getting comfortable with the graph data on ethereum dependencies

6. Where can I submit my model and the weights it has calculated?

The submission portal will open on January 20th along with the juror spot check data. Entries will close February 20th

7. What happens after submitting the model?

A selected Jury will perform spot checks to identify which model is closest to their preferences. Results expected in March or April.

8. Is there a tutorial or guide for participants?

Coming Soon. Until then, join our Telegram group for updates.

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Built on framer by Pollen Labs.

Deep Funding

Solving the problem of scaling high-quality human judgement

Built on framer by Pollen Labs.

Deep Funding

Solving the problem of scaling high-quality human judgement

Built on framer by Pollen Labs.

Deep Funding

Solving the problem of scaling high-quality human judgement

Built on framer by Pollen Labs.

Deep Funding

Solving the problem of scaling high-quality human judgement